Artist /Printmaker
Henrietta's prints, ceramics and paintings are rich in textures and simple yet dynamic forms. They are full of totemic style creatures, symbols and motifs. Her Horses and birds stand, or are forged, in the abstracted landscape.
While her imagery has a timeless quality, bringing to mind animals carved into chalk hills or on a cave wall, her bold compositions and sophisticated mark making demonstrate the confidence of an artist at the height of her powers.
Current sculptures show her images pared down, creating a stylised line and a minimal form. Her recent prints and paintings however, are strong colourful depictions with an inventive palette reminiscent of the Fauves.
Having studied fine art ( Printmaking and Sculpture) at Wolverhampton Polytechnic under Anish Kapoor and Nicola Hicks, Henrietta has become one of Leicestershire's most widely recognised artists, her work is currently represented by leading galleries throughout the Uk.